Most personal training companies do not publish their prices on their websites because they want to have you come in, give you a big sales talk, and then lock you into long contracts with different pricing based on how many sessions you do, how much they think you are willing to pay, etc.  Not us!  There is never any pushy hard sell or contracts.  Our current rates are:

$35.00 for 30-minute personal training sessions
$70.00 for 60-minute personal training sessions

Want to train with a friend or family member?  We highly recommend it as it is much more fun and gives you an extra level of accountability. Also, while the majority of personal trainers might give you a small break in the price, we do NOT charge more for two people of similar physical abilities to train together (so still $70.00 for a 60-minute session whether there are one or two people), making the price even more affordable.  

We also have NO contracts, upfront fees, or automatic bank withdrawals!  You just pay as you go and can cancel at anytime without penalty with at least 24 hours of notice (payment for session is required for less than 24 hours of notice).  It really is that simple!